Episode 3
Episode 2103: The Mental Wellness Diet- Justin Bethoney, NP
In this episode, we talk with Justin Bethoney, MSN NP
He's in practice as a PMHNP in Bend OR. We discuss his integrative medicine approach to mental health. We also talk about his book "The Mental Wellness Diet" and how he approaches mental health care with medication and focusing on core elements of nursing theory and wellness practice.
The Mental Wellness Diet Book (available in many formats on Amazon: https://www.thementalwellnessdiet.com/)
Justin's approach to integrative medicine: https://www.justinbethoneynp.com/integrative-psychiatry
Just the integrstive graphic: https://static.wixstatic.com/media/537236_8ad12b8ef5e545ffa786f6eebb6d0831~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_677,h_875,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/Functional%20Medicine%20Psychiatry%20Hourglass.webp)
GOTO IT Functional Medicine approach https://www.ifm.org/functional-medicine/what-is-functional-medicine/
Hildegard Peplaus – Nursing Theorist https://nurseslabs.com/hildegard-peplaus-interpersonal-relations-theory/#:~:text=Peplau's%20theory%20defined%20Nursing%20as,involving%20an%20interaction%20between%20two
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